Mrs Clean Mckinney Service Policy

Before you schedule cleaning services from Mrs Clean Mckinney, please view our terms of service below.
Besides our terms of service, it’s important to note that if you cancel services on the same day or within 48 hours of your appointment, we charge a fee of 50% of your scheduled service.


Right of Refusal

Mrs Clean Mckinney reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.  These reasons include but are not limited to:


Appointment Confirmations

Once a booking has been processed online, it must be confirmed. If Mrs. Clean Mckinney can't confirm an appointment, the appointment may be canceled. At which point, the requester will receive a cancellation notice.  


Guarantees And/Or Refunds

Satisfaction Guarantee hereby referred to as for "Guarantee" or "Satisfaction Guarantee" is available to requester and is the sole liability of Mrs. Clean Mckinney to requesters for the performance of services.


Damage or Theft Claims

Mrs Clean Mckinney is not responsible for breakage due to normal wear and tear; deterioration caused by age; or damage caused by improper assembly, construction, or mounting of an item. Our staff(s) / Provider(s) are taught to clean with an abundance of caution and will exercise care when cleaning your home and belongings. However, please be aware that we cannot assume liability for improperly hung blinds, wall hangings and/or décor, mirrors, draperies, or drapery rods, shelving, furniture, etc. which is damaged, broken, scratched prior to our service. We do not accept responsibility for blinds that break or fall while opening, raising, or dusting them. We do reserve the right to document such items via photographs for future reference. We do not include anything in the photographs which would identify your family, name, or address (such as mail, family photos, etc.). All damage must be reported by the end of the next business day following your cleaning.



If your pets are sociable, we do not mind them roaming the house-we love pets! However, for the protection of your pets and our staff, we request that any pet which may become nervous or aggressive during our visits be either kenneled, restrained to a room in which we will not be cleaning, or kept outside in a fenced area that our staff will not have to cross. If a Mrs. Clean Mckinney staff(s)/provider(s) is injured by an unrestrained pet the homeowner may be held liable for all medical expenses.